

In the gentlest of tones
She raised the question
Of whether mankind’s
Current predicament
Might not have arisen
If only we had elected
To portray ourselves
Instead as womankind

About Ben Naga

The Spirit that graces me with its passing has no name and stems not from thoughts and words, though it gathers them up as it flows, but from feeling.

Posted on April 13, 2014, in Poetry, Writing and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. Is this the one inspired by reading my poem? I love your first line… it introduces the whole atmospheric feeling for the piece.
    Without one, we could not have the other… nor the learning from the predicaments we find ourselves in, as a global family (at the risk of sounding way too hippy!), but the supposing thought is a nice one ~ and one that may transpire. 🙂


  2. dawnofdivinerays

    All manifestations require the yin/yang energy to create balance and harmony. Same with the art of feng shui where all elements are placed in harmony with each other in one’s sacred space. Namaste Ben. Wishing you and yours, a beautiful week ahead. Sending Reiki blessings your way.


  3. Or “Children of Women”


  4. The cycles are set… Male. / Female.. we go through history experiencing both … We are now said to be in the beginning of the Feminine where compassion will once again come to the fore… But one can not live without the other… We can not know compassion without their being pain… Dark and Light -Positive and Negative.. Both need to exist to experience the other.. So just supposing.. Woman ruled.. one day they too would become perhaps just as dominant…

    As one of your commentors said earlier.. Balance is the key…. But first we each need to find that balance within ourselves.. As we stop judging.. and start loving…

    Loved your poem Ben.. Thank you


    • Balance? But of course. Both required. The Left Brain/Male/Mind is a powerful engine, but better the Right Brain/Female/Heart the driver. As I commented above:

      “Whilst this piece is rather allegorical as well as rhetorical there may be a kernel of truth in there somewhere too.”


  5. Womankind is the mother of all kind but mankind gets the credit. I think. 🙂


    • I am sure a strong case could be easily made for that assertion. Once the child is conceived, I guess a lot of men are too impatient to wait nine months. They get bored and feel they are now of no use or value, so they start doing all kinds of other stuff to bolster up their sagging self esteem. That’s how the trouble starts. 😦


  6. It would indeed be a different place. But as you mentioned in a comment above, we need balance. Alas, that is taking far too long and I fear it’s too late. Too bad the male/female nature of the universe wasn’t recognized thousands of years ago… the mother/father source of all.


    • I think some folk have always known, even thousands of years ago but those folk, and their social and cultural structures were suppressed or destroyed. There seems to be some evidence of that happening.


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