

Acceptance …

Is it the key
Or else a link

In the chain
That binds us?

Explorations continue …

About Ben Naga

The Spirit that graces me with its passing has no name and stems not from thoughts and words, though it gathers them up as it flows, but from feeling.

Posted on September 3, 2016, in Poetry and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. wonderful!
    had its place 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the compliment. There is a thread through many religions urging folk to accept everything. (“Turn the cheek” for one instance. “The acceptable and the unacceptable are both acceptable” for another.) Many times this is of course good advice. But then we encounter a Hitler or a Trump or perhaps something more day-to-day and we hear an inner heart voice and, rightly or wrongly, draw a line. I believe best practice is to follow our heart rather than giving away our power.

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  2. I think acceptance is both the key and link when related to people…accepting everyone for who they are, even if we don’t like them or agree with their lifestyle; just let them be and move on.
    It’s a different story in politics; we don’t have to accept candidates if we don’t agree with their methods, persona or tactics on issues, a privilege we have, to vote for whoever we want.
    But if there is any hope for world peace (sigh), then we, as humanity, need to come together and let others be themselves, whether we agree with their religious or political status, race, gender, etc. All the hate and violence because someone or some group of people isn’t liked is not only tragic, but ludicrous. Everyone has the right to live as they please, so let them. Thank you for letting me vent, Ben, and loved your poem…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your vent is quite acceptable, Lauren. 😉 I am glad my poem moved you to get you venting. This quotation, one of my all time favourites came to mind when reading your comment. The connection may not be easy to see immediately but on reflection it will become clearer, I hope.

      “Innocence is the clarity with which the self shows forth the self. Love is the respect we feel for innocence.- John Hawkes.

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  3. Accepting someone in their entirety is a powerful notion – and one I second 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Loving the continuation!

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