Occam’s Razor


To love from within
Is a million miles away
From love from without

About Ben Naga

The Spirit that graces me with its passing has no name and stems not from thoughts and words, though it gathers them up as it flows, but from feeling.

Posted on January 17, 2015, in Senryu and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. easier to do
    what’s easier 🙂


  2. And love from within can have incredible heart to it 🙂


  3. Can you love without without loving within? Is not love fullness?


    • Ah yes, Tom, but … it is never too difficult to find any number of writers on WP, whether in prose or poetry, who are in pain and torment over a failed love entanglement. They cannot find the love they seek from the other person. And as for the history of literature …

      Slow learners we, it seems.


  4. Is fear blocking the pathway? Let love bypass the brambles and thorns, then enter in full form offering her Gift.


  5. Reading this I was reminded of how I’ve recently made things more complicated than necessary. It’s easy to lose sight of what you truly love.


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