A Better World


What would make the world
A better place right now?

Simply that there might be
For each and every individual

A moment of internal peace and understanding
That was not fleeting but endured

And endured and endured and became
For each and every individual

An internal world of eternal peace and understanding
In which to dwell and share

Then we would wish to work tirelessly
To transform the way we think, speak and act

Till each and every individual lives
In an external world also

Of eternal peace and understanding
That is a thousand miles from here

But as we already know quite well
A journey of a thousand miles

begins with a single step

About Ben Naga

The Spirit that graces me with its passing has no name and stems not from thoughts and words, though it gathers them up as it flows, but from feeling.

Posted on December 24, 2011, in Poetry, Writing and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Oh, Ben, this is SO inspired! I know just what you speak of. I have been conscious, for the first time in my memory, over the last few days of a total feeling of contentment, a realisation that my will is nothing, it is God’s will that is everything, and I feel completely relaxed and at ease! I wish the rest of the world would come to know this feeling…


  2. Ditto. Happy Holidays! I wish you a very happy, healthy, fun-loving and harmonious Christmas and New Year. Cheers to such poetic brilliance!


  3. The same to you and Ronnie.


  4. I couldn’t agree with you more Ben. Well said!


  5. “All Together Now”


  6. Beautiful piece of hope, no matter the miles or the steps.


  7. It was Addie of “BETWIXT AND BETWEEN” (http://justbeingthoughtful.wordpress.com) who asked the question.


  8. If you are not a teacher, at least in some capacity, in “real life” I will be extremely surprised. I see a gift in you for teaching and provoking thought. Well done, my friend


  9. It seems to be something I find it almost impossible to avoid, for better or worse. I just hope to do it without being annoyingly didactic.

    From my other blog:



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