Category Archives: Not A Poem At All

Doctors Speak Out On Misinformation Surronding The Virus

YouTube once again reveals its dark and stinking underbelly. Fortunately there are still places on the planet where truth and free speech are allowed and even valued.

See what TPTB are afraid of you seeing:


Doctors Speak Out On Misinformation Surronding The Virus


You Are Being Lied to! Here Is How … The PCR Test

Video: Covid-19 You are being lied to! here is how… the PCR test.

LOCKDOWN LUNACY: the thinking person’s guide

I should feel myself both uncaring and grossly negligent if I did not republish this. There is a link to the original complete post. Switch off the TV/radio for a while and read this instead. 🙂

“New blog post: LOCKDOWN LUNACY 2.0: Second wave? Not even close.

By J.B. Handley

For anyone willing to look, there are so many facts that tell the true story, and it goes something like this:

Knowing what we know today about COVID-19’s Infection Fatality Rate, asymmetric impact by age and medical condition, non-transmissibility by asymptomatic people and in outdoor settings, near-zero fatality rate for children, and the basic understanding of viruses through Farr’s law, locking down society was a bone-headed policy decision so devastating to society that historians may judge it as the all-time worst decision ever made. Worse, as these clear facts have become available, many policy-makers haven’t shifted their positions, despite the fact that every hour under any stage of lockdown has a domino-effect of devastation to society. Meanwhile, the media—with a few notable exceptions—is oddly silent on all the good news. Luckily, an unexpected group of heroes across the political landscape—many of them doctors and scientists—have emerged to tell the truth, despite facing extreme criticism and censorship from an angry mob desperate to continue fighting an imaginary war.

My goal is to engage in known facts. You, the reader, can decide if all of these facts, when you put them together, equate to the story above.

… ”



A mask is just a mask.
A kiss is just a kiss.
(A lie is just a lie.)

BUDDHA IN THE MUD is a blog - a living book based on the Dzogchen teachings. Our teacher is life, and life is karma. We are all Buddhas in the mud of concepts.


Institutionalised: apathetic and dependent
The formula of futile diligence; fear and false security.

Through ignorance, people follow other people; we cling and stick together. By being
institutionalised, we stop thinking for ourself and learn the formula. 

We want to be where ‘it’s’ at, not realising we’re already where ‘it’s’ at. 

We adopt behavioural patterns to surviving in the group. That is, however, the key that locks us into this institutionalised relative reality.

Relative reality is created by consciousness relating and reacting to reflections on the wall of consciousness. This entrapment has become our second nature; we bind ourselves to collective thinking. It doesn’t matter which side we take, we are still involved with the reflections on the wall and so, we become a type instead of theprototype; the original. Our first nature.

When realised, our ultimate reality of pure awareness / pure consciousness is free and belongs…

View original post 38 more words

The Emperor’s New Clothes

“The vote-shaming engines have predictably kicked into high gear in America as the presidential election approaches, with shitlib pundits like Bill Maher doing their part to paint third-party voters as the most toxic people in the world.

Which is of course ridiculous. I have no strong opinions about how Americans should vote in November, but it’s obvious that in terms of toxicity third-party voters are not on the list of people who are worthy of criticism. The dire situation humanity now finds itself in under the leadership of the US hegemon is not the fault of a small fringe faction which doesn’t want to support oligarch-coddling ecocidal warmongers, it’s the fault of those who help preserve America’s oligarchic ecocidal warmongering status quo.

Contrary to the stock template lines that establishment spinmeisters are regurgitating to bully the left into submission, here are 21 things which are in fact a lot more crazy, selfish, stupid and privileged than voting third party:

1. Supporting a two-headed one-party system in the most powerful government on earth which has plagued our planet with endless war and ecocide and marched humanity to the brink of extinction.

2. Continuing to support a political system which is wholly owned and operated by the wealthy, leaving zero effective influence over US policy in the hands of ordinary Americans and immense influence in the hands of the very rich.

3. Continuing to support a system which consistently deceives the American people into consenting to oppressive neoliberal exploitation at home and bloodthirsty neoconservative warmongering abroad, both of which always hurt the most impoverished and disadvantaged groups worst.

4. Continuing to support a two-headed one-party system where one head always pushes as far to the right as possible when in power and the other head never moves things back leftward even one iota when it is.

5. Continuing to support a political establishment which rehabilitates war criminals like George W Bush, Bill Kristol, David Frum and John Bolton while demonizing anyone who refused to vote for a warmonger.

6. Supporting a political party which has been consistently attacking Donald Trump from the right on foreign policy, pushing him to escalate cold war tensions with Russia further and further and shrieking hysterically if he makes the slightest move toward deescalation anywhere.

7. Supporting a political party which is designed to co-opt all leftward populism and railroad it into support for an establishment which promotes war and oligarchy while depriving Americans of the same social safety nets afforded to everyone in every other major country on earth.

8. Supporting a party which claims to support press freedoms while cheerleading Trump’s extradition of Julian Assange, a move which if successful will cripple press freedoms around the globe and make it impossible to hold the world’s most powerful government to account.

9. Supporting a political party which has spent Trump’s term galvanizing its base around the psychopathic CIA and J Edgar Hoover’s minority-oppressing, left-punching FBI while doing everything it can to stamp out any leftist zeitgeist within its ranks.

10. Continuing to support a mass media structure which works every day to deceive Americans into supporting their own impoverishment while weapons of war are spread across the planet at massive expense.

11. Supporting a political establishment which promises slow, incremental change and actually delivers no change whatsoever while our species slides off the cliff of extinction, taking out the most impoverished and marginalized first.

12. Pretending foreign policy just doesn’t exist, or if it does exist pretending Joe Biden isn’t a lifelong warmonger who has spent his entire campaign attacking Trump for being insufficiently hawkish in most spheres of international conflict.

13. Ignoring the fact that both parties are working in support of world-threatening cold war escalations against both Russia and China, a multifront campaign whose complexity increases the probability of something going cataclysmically wrong even more than the last cold war.

14. Pretending a party that’s done exactly nothing for America’s disempowered communities isn’t directly responsible for the poverty, police brutality, mass incarceration, exploitation and oppression those communities face today.

15. Pretending a return to how things were before Trump’s presidency wouldn’t just be a return to the conditions which created Trump’s presidency.

16. Pretending Obama, who destroyed Libya, devastated Syria, facilitated the rape of Yemen, intervened in Ukraine, maintained and expanded all of Bush’s most depraved policies and did nothing for the people who elected him, was a good president.

17. Continuing to support a political system where everything keeps getting worse no matter which oligarchic puppet Americans elect.

18. Putting your head in the sand and pretending everything will be fine once a Democrat is in charge, again.

19. Supporting a novelty joke party with fake primaries which are always rigged to ensure victory for the safest oligarchic puppet instead of pushing for something resembling actual democracy.

20. Promoting the lie that if you just keep doing something that has never, ever worked, this time it might produce different results.

21. Lulling people back to sleep when the only thing that can help ordinary people is for them to start waking up and using the power of their numbers to force drastic, revolutionary change.

It’s easy to advocate incrementalism when you’re not living hand to mouth. It’s selfish to think that acting on climate change can be rolled out over many decades so as not to upset the corporate donors of your favorite politicians. It’s the height of entitlement to close the door to progressives inside the Democratic Party and then throw a shit fit when they vote for another party. It’s hypocritical to hyperventilate about election-rigging Russians while secretly, and then openly, rigging primaries against progressives.

Supporting the continued existence of a fake two-party system which advances exploitative agendas hurts the most vulnerable populations in America and in the entire world. Acting self-righteous because you actively support that system while spitting on the people who are trying to change it is selfish, is stupid, is hypocritical, and is a mark of extreme privilege.”

– Caitlin Johnstone

The Sudden Reversal On Facial Masks

“There is apparently no science behind mandatory public masking. None. Multiple analyses of randomized controlled studies over the last decade have demonstrated the inability of facial masks to impede transmission of viruses, e.g., here, here, here, here, here, here, here*.

But somewhere between May and July of 2020 an order from on high appears to have been able to convince, or coerce, political leaders, such as Wisconsin’s Governor, various governmental officials, and the boards of countless companies, that all under their leadership and influence must wear facial coverings in public.

Consider: Anthony Fauci is mainstream media’s highly showcased expert. In March, 2020, citing accumulated knowledge based on science, Fauci stated flatly that there is no reason for the public to be masked. But by May that all had changed, and the best explanation for masking that he could come up with was that it’s “symbolic”.

Consider: In May, 2020, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledged that public masking is ineffective in stemming transmission. But only two months later, in July, 2020, the CDC recommends masking with absolutely no scientific justification for the change. It is a directive to just do it. (Note: Below on the CDC web page, a link to “emerging evidence” takes one to a bibliography which in fact is not of controlled studies but simply of observations, reports of infection rates, most having nothing per se to do with masking. There is no scientific evidence of mask efficacy, so one must assume the mere presence of the bibliography was intended to deter further scrutiny).

Consider: In October, 2016, Canada’s Oral Health Group published an extensive review of the literature encompassing 36 earlier studies regarding the use of facial masks. The title: “Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review”. The subtitle read “Yesterday’s Scientific Dogma is Today’s Discarded Fable”. The idea of facial masks blocking transmission was found to be “fable”.

But search that title today, and find “Update”, followed by “If you are looking for ‘Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review’ by John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC, it has been removed. The content was published in 2016 and is no longer relevant in our current climate.” The reader is instead referred to a July, 2020 article titled “Understanding Personal Protective Equipment”, merely a comparison of different mask types, and a governmental “web hub” about buying and selling personal protective gear, including masks. An excellent review of scientific studies had been censored without explanation.

Wisconsin, USA: In the contained environment of Wisconsin, the Governor ordered citizens to wear masks in public, effective August 1, 2020. On July 3, 2020, the State’s Chief Medical Officer, in a televised interview, stated “Now the science is in”. [Because of] “recent studies with large numbers of patients in large numbers of countries…. we have hard evidence that risk of transmission goes down dramatically when people wear masks.” “Hard scientific evidence” would necessarily indicate randomized controlled trials so persuasive as to counter the wealth of previous studies. Mere field observations would not be adequate for such a position.

This came as a surprise, because in May, 2020, an article in the New England Journal of Medicine stated “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.” In the same month, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted “In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks.” Not understanding how proper trials could have been accomplished globally, then undergone peer review prior to publication in so short a time, I emailed the Chief Medical Officer on August 21, 2020 a request for citations. The text of my request is shown here in full (but compressed):

“Dear Dr. Westergaard: In a July appearance on Wisconsin Public Television’s Here and Now, you stated that recent studies have shown with certainty that mask wearing by the general public protects against becoming infected with a virus as well as against transmission to others. I’m writing to ask for citations to some of the studies to which you refer. Having that information would be of great help in my discussions with others in the biological community. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, William B. Willers, Emeritus Professor of Biology.”

I have not received a reply, and naturally it leads me to suspect that no studies have been carried out that would justify the claim, so I wondered about the provenance of such an opinion. According to his biography, he has both MS and Ph.D degrees from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (named after donor Michael Bloomberg). The Bloomberg School was one of the three hosts for Event 201 (the others being the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum), the October 18, 2019 pandemic exercise that predated the March 11, 2020 declaration that Covid19 was a global pandemic, by 20 weeks.

The Chief Medical Officer, having spent years at the Bloomberg School, would certainly have maintained contacts there, and I’m guessing he must have been told by people at Bloomberg about studies the citations of which I’m seeking. Perhaps he can ask them for the information on my behalf. In any case, a cordial request for bona fide citations is perfectly appropriate, and it is also appropriate that a state chief medical officer answer such a request in a cordial, timely and professional manner.”

* To follow these links (and others), please refer to the original article.


So simple.

BUDDHA IN THE MUD is a blog - a living book based on the Dzogchen teachings. Our teacher is life, and life is karma. We are all Buddhas in the mud of concepts.

How To Survive Belief
Stop believing and know

How many, in this crazy world, believe in something or other? We live our lives in a belief-reality, and don’t even question this dream world. We weren’t born believing, were we? A belief is someone else’s ideas, someone else’s world.

We adopt beliefs and run with them, trying to outshine others’ beliefs, while both of these are empty of any real existence. This is futile diligence. We live by “perhaps this”, and “perhaps that”, living and dying in total ignorance. We have merely been playing with other people’s toys, without asking why – and even the toy makers cannot help themselves.

A.I. (and its handlers)
knows more about us than we do.
We supply the information,
and it sees our habitual patterns,
predicts our movements,
adjusts our reactions and thinking.

We ignore the fact that we do not have an original…

View original post 135 more words

Going Within and Beyond Fear ~ In 2020

Remember: “Fear is the mindkiller”.


Dreamwalker's Sanctuary

Going beyond the Fear…

Lorie Ladd speaks from her heart, as I speak from mine. Her words and those of Tina Turners can say it much better than I can, I hope you can spend ten minutes of your time, listening to each of their words….  As I share a new message from Lorie and an old one from Tina Turnerfrom a post I made in 2016.

May each of us Hold Peace  and Love within our Hearts.

As we reach out in Love to all in need of LOVE.

May we Unite in LOVE as we Join as ONE

And may that Song of LOVE remain within your hearts

As we go beyond those who would instil Fear into it.

💖 Love and Blessings, to All 💖

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Rupert Sheldrake: Morphogenesis – A New Science of Life


From 9/11 To Covid-19: 19 Years Of Media Lies

“Our media is dutifully reminding us that it was 19 years ago since the traumatic events of 9/11.

Here in Brussels, we usually have a solemn ceremony every Sept 11th in front of a large twisted metal beam from one of the top floors of the North WTC tower that is called the “9/11 and Article 5 Memorial”. It reminds not only about the strange things that happened to the WTC that day, but also that these events led Europe to join in the “War on Terror” that Pres. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld initiated on that day. I never go to that Memorial : it is situated in the same Commune as where I live, but on the restricted grounds of NATO, where even journalists are no longer welcome, due to that strange SARS-virus everyone is talking about.

To me, a simple General Practitioner in Belgium, this anniversary represents 19 years of media lies. More sadly for me, it also represents 19 years of complicit academic silence.

The urge to write this today comes fresh from arriving back from a large demonstration in Brussels of the performing artists and event sector, who are now in their 7th month of not being able to work due to the fears of spreading the new SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The talking points of our leaders, like Ursula von der Leyen, the UN and WHO has been : “There is no treatment against Covid-19”, and “We will not go back to normal until the virus vanishes or there is a vaccine”.

Major efforts are deployed to contain the spread of the new virus, including a tracking system that seems like the wet-dream of one of those IT-technofascists.

The government, media and academia keep hammering that these measures are necessary, as there is otherwise no way to counter this new virus.

But the people in the street do not believe what their government, media and academics are telling them.

Should we be surprised?

Every 11th of the month I take the day off, in protest against the complacency and complicitness of especially our media, politicians, lawyers and academics to not be curious about what really took place on September 11th, 2001.

One of those days of protest, back in June 2008, I found myself at a conference organized jointly by the Belgian Red Cross and EUropean RESources for victims of TErrorism (EURESTE). The full day conference was about how to communicate to a population during a catastrophe. The take home message was to make sure only one message was given, – even if it turns out later that this message is not the truthful one.

The take home message for a citizen should be: do not trust an anonymous authority – especially if it is speaking with only one voice out of some kind of sanitary crisis task force.

As we were discussing the events of September 11th during the conference, I brought up how the “Emergency Management Center”, ( just before evacuating WTC7 themselves) sent repetitious instructions not to evacuate the Twin Towers, even after the second plane had hit the South Tower.

We kind of had a similar situation here in Belgium, just as we started having an increase in Covid-19 cases, anonymous government experts put out recommendations not to use hydroxychloroquine to treat our vulnerable and sick patients. They also managed to confiscate most of the available pharmaceutical stockpiles and move the HCQ to a secure place, where it was kept as reserves for the Belgian Army, and handed out parsimoniously to hospitals respecting strict regulations of its use.

It is not that hydroxychloroquine is a dangerous drug: it has been in use for 70 years and has probably been sold in more units than any other prescription drug. What seemed to be so dangerous with the drug, was that if indeed it was a very cheap and effective way to treat early cases of COVID-19 in vulnerable patients, then the enormous “COVID-19 security measures” would no longer be necessary.

The big trouble is that once the government has closed ranks to defend its original message, a whole process of credibility damage management sets in, and the original erroneous messages need to be maintained.

We can also see this with September 11th 2001 : if you look up the event on a Wikipedia page today, you will read a tale about the tragic events of Sept 11 that closely follows the storyline that was penned in the New-York Times on Sept 12th 2001, or perhaps before that…

Through the magic of “The Great Wurlitzer”, this storyline went out to all the World’s newspapers and medias. Once the story-line established itself, it pancaked on more and more layers of professional spin so hardly any official media or academic institution challenged the story, even though any sane child above 10 years of age would understand that 3 enormous skyscrapers cannot pulverise to dust – and produce lakes of molten metal – by being hit by 2 airplanes.

Due to the collective trauma of the crime that was perpetuated on Sept. 11th, peoples sane and comfortable belief in physical reality was severely shaken. For a great many, especially the academics and the journalists, who are employed to be knowledgeable, could not face the cognitive pain of having to admit to themselves that they were perhaps wrong. I have been witnessing a process of 19 years of damage control to protect the original narrative that was set into motion.

This is why academia and main-stream news coverage and most politicians cannot be trusted today.

These people are engaged in damage control of their own reputation. In order to thrive in their ranks, you need to prove how blind, ignorant or careless you are towards certain talking points/realities. Like the politicians Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, reality is no longer the place to be : the name of the game is to impose a reality like the builders of an Empire, for others to comply to.

If you would like to make a stand for Science, Truth and Justice in our society, it could have a lot of healing effect to actually also address this 19 year old cancer in our collective human psyche : This week is a great time to find out from some of the best sources what independent researchers have uncovered thus far : there will be a 3 day “Justice Rising Conference” from Sept 11th to September 13th. You can all join in while the conference will be streaming on . The conference is free, but of-course we hope many will be inspired to join in and help in any way they can to restore integrity to academia and science. is also running an appeal, together with 9/11 victim families, to force the National Institute for Standards in Technology ( NIST) to review and correct the many errors in the 2008 NIST report that describes the cause of collapse of WTC7 on the afternoon of Sept 11th 2001.

The medical journal “The Lancet” had one of those NIST moments, when it was caught publishing flawed data that seemed to be tailor made to throw hydroxychloroquine in a bad light. The publishing of such clearly falsified material had serious consequences: many doctors stopped giving their Covid-19 patients hydroxychloroquine, and some of these patients died.

As you blunder into more and more horridly bad policy decisions, the stakes increase to maintain the original storyline, even though a reality-check will show that you have built your castle in quicksand.

This is where we stand today : we have the media, politicians and academia that we deserve, since we allow them – at least these last 19 ignominious years, to hide the obvious truth in plain sight, in order to be able to maintain their narrative.

This time, it is not an un-investigated mass murder leading to 19 years of multiple ugly and totally unnecessary war theatres in foreign lands. This time, it is about human society as we know it, being run by an elite that seeks total control over our body, and all our monetary transactions.

The time is ripe to invite human values and common sense back to the forefront of our daily lives.

It is time that we put our chosen politicians and media to a litmus test : do they have any credibility about understanding common sense issues like what really happened on Sept. 11th 2001, or why is it that we have a World Health Organisation that seems uninterested in treatments that work against Covid-19, unless it involves an experimental vaccine destined for 7 Billion healthy people?

The people who continue lying or push for well financed but extremely dangerous Big-Pharma/IT solutions, they do not deserve to be trusted.

The human race has an opportunity NOW to go back to common sense, or it can choose to believe “Dr. Tedros” and “Dr. Bill Gates” that there is no going back to normal – unless we all sign on to the digital currency trap, and perhaps accept that our genome will need quarterly updates like our omnipresent Microsoft computers and Windows systems.

I am sick of these last 19 years of media lies.

If you could help out to bring back common sense to our media, I promise I’ll go back to work, even on the 11th of the month!

Thank-you in advance for all who spread light, love, and common sense. A very heart-felt thank-you to for providing all these 19 years of independent journalism, that, much better than TNYT, helped me better understand the bigger picture as seen from diverse independent perspectives.”